Core Curriculum
Beginning in Transitional Kindergarten and continuing through Eighth Grade, the curriculum taught at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School includes religion, social studies, language arts (English, oral/written communication, reading and literature, spelling, handwriting), math, science, health, personal and public safety, art, physical education and computers. Students in grades TK-8 participate in Foreign Language.
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School follows the Common Core State Standards for the core curriculum as directed by the Catholic Schools Office of the Diocese of Stockton.

Our school endeavors to provide students with opportunities to learn through the use of technology. We provide a computer curriculum built on the scope and sequence for TK-8 that gives students instruction in skills and also enables them to apply those skills, to age-appropriate projects, activities, and assignments.

Foreign Language
Students in grades TK-8 participate in foreign language using Rosetta Stone curriculum. Rosetta Stone can be accessed at school or home using any device with internet access.

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School incorporates music into various subjects in grades TK-8.
Concert Programs
All Our Lady of Fatima students perform in an annual Advent concert and a formal Spring concert. All students in TK through 8 receive music instruction at Our Lady of Fatima during the school day which includes the basics of singing, posture, sight reading music, and performance practices. Our formal concerts throughout the year allow us to come together as a community and honor all of their hard work, dedication, and learning.

The Children's Choir Program
The Children’s Choir offers students an opportunity to share their gift of music with our school and parish communities. The choir leads a number of liturgical celebrations throughout the year.

The library, containing over 3,500 fiction and non-fiction books, periodicals, and reference resources, serves both the teaching staff and the students. In addition to providing recreational reading materials for the students, the library program also includes the use of study and research skills. A part-time librarian works with each class once a week to encourage the value of reading and use of the library.